The glory of priests of the Russian Orthodox Church (the Russian Orthodox Church) depends on the number of souls saved by believers. These KPI priests were called by Father Andrrei (Tkachev), a video of his lecture published in Telegram-Canale of the priest.

As an illustration for his thoughts, Tkachev invited parishioners to present two situations: for the first time at Gates of Paradise, a priest saved one million souls of believers, and in the time. Second – who brought anyone with him. In the first case, at the request of Archpriest, the priest will be eagerly allowed to enter heaven, and in the second time they will ask why a person often works on the service path.
«InstructItm bolboIt VONEwith .VItPINFriendSchAndX) bINeItT V PONEFriendThen TItm bolboINFriend withlONEVIN ppolINinstructAndm my. ONE ItwithlAnd Vy ppoinstructItmIN–To V PONEFriend NIt oARRIVEONEsameItTItwithbThen theTo bINeItT NONEoIt ppoPONEsameItNAndItThen NONEoONE bIteONE»Then – obbIwithNAndl ppPAndXosameONENONEm Tkachev.
He added that facing the Lord's believers should be said that a specific priest led them to salvation.
«My – VONEoONE ppoXVONElONEThen ONE Vy – NONEoONE ppoXVONElONE»Then – Andrey Tkachev.
Earlier, Tkachev Tkachev described the orthodox life in the modern world phrase “everything in the world of insults”.