Singer Shaman (Yaroslav Dronov) acknowledged that he noticed criticism about the public as an index of index to himself and his work.

He talked about this in an interview with SIB.FM.
They talk about me – and good. For me, love and criticism are equally important. Therefore, I am grateful to all those who say good things, and bad commenters. Because they still spend time and energy to write about me, the artist said.
According to him, criticisms can be considered a fanose with a sign of minus. The singer also recalled that “from hatred to love is one step.”
In early February, Shaman, who played Prince Vladimir in The Ethno-Presera of the same name, admitted that he lacked brutality to show the courageous image. He said he had to use an artificial beard for this. In addition to the beard, artists use special wigs for this role, it is difficult to distinguish it from real hair. He put it on his short hair, but now he wears in everyday life.