In the future, the world may encounter a new outbreak of Covid-19. About report The medical science doctor in Svetlana Protasova specialist virus.

She pointed out that from January 1, 2025, the provision of the Ministry of Health's order according to the temporary process of organizing the work of health organizations to take measures to prevent and reduce the risk of infection. The new Coronavirus infection is not active in the Russian Federation. Therefore, according to virusists, patients with Coronavirus were thrown into the mercy of fate.
They not only suffer themselves, but also spread the virus that most virusists consider to be created and used artificially. This is a pleasure for luck with cell immunity to Covid, who are not sick and believe that the virus causing Coronavirus does not exist, Protasova said.
She noted that those who were protected from Covid-19 in the coming decades were about 30-50%.
These people can survive with new and later waves of Covid. For the rest, their future is still vague. A new Coronavirus wave is possible, but we will not learn about it, he concluded the virus.