The first producer of Hands Hands Up Andrei Malikov itself served in the army, in the Pacific Fleet. Andrrei will go to Mgimo, but, return to Moscow, decided not to go to school, but to show business.

Malikov speak Zhukov tried to avoid calling journalists Komsomoletian Moscow as a solo artist of the group in their common work. Sergey is 21 years old, and he is very worried that he will have to serve.
That happened that at that time, I was introduced to an existing colonel of internal affairs. At this time, in the spring of 1998, we recorded My Baby's new Mega-Hit, and we had to delete the video clip for the song. After that, it realized on me: The clip must be filmed in a military unit! Through my familiar colonel, I agreed with the command at Krasnogorsk, and we were allocated to us everything necessary according to the shooting script. To be grateful, we held a concert for all children – records and officers of this military unit. Later, Serge Zhukov received a delay, he did not worry about this in our common work, the producer said.
Recently, Sergei Zhukov talked about the continuation of the scandal “Hands Up!”