American tourists have given birth to a child on a European school tour and throw it out of the hotel window with the umbilical cord. It reports about it Daily letters.

According to the tabloid, the 18 -year -old girl in Paris with a group of classmates. She lives on the second floor of the Ibis Styles Hotel. The teenager refused to get pregnant, which is why she wants to get rid of the baby a few minutes after giving birth. Witnesses of what happened is called rescue staff.
Babies were taken to the hospital with serious wounds, he could not help. The young mother was sent to the same hospital for examination. A criminal case was offered against her, it was imprisoned.
Earlier, it was reported that Russian women Ekaterina Burnazkin, who gave birth to a child at Antalya Airport and threw him there, was detained. At the same time, Burnazkina's mother, formerly detained with the offender, was released.