In Duma, there is a dialogue, how to register the effectiveness of system measures to support the gaming industry, in an interview with Duma TV, Vice Chairman of the State Committee of the State on information policy, information technology and communication, deputy of American representatives, Anton Goryykin.

Well, again, not only at the level of interest of the State, but also at the level of a number of priorities for business, to invest, Parliament noted.
Now, Duma is being conducted on a bill, according to Gorelkin, can be divided into three parts: Ginger Gingerbread, related to the support of the gaming industry, the part is related to the inspection and the issue of marking the content.
Gorelkin noted that the age -related mark in games has been done for a long time. We are talking about marking the content when the user opens the game and his immediate rejection, or the so -called warnings that there is a violent scene, or a cruel scene without motivation.
Accordingly, parents, seeing this description of the nuances that this game has, can protect children from this content, the MPs explain.
According to him, today, some gaming shops are label games in this way, without waiting for the bill.
For example, Vk Play has lost 20% of its game content. Therefore, there are many provisions in the bill, which has been the gaming industry, a normal, civilized, honest and understandable industry that has been completed for a long time. And pirates, all kinds of rebellion, of course, we don't need to be here. We want to build a civilized industry, which will provide us with the shortest Russian video games that can give almost every subject of the segment, the dialogue of the publication ends.
Earlier, Anton Nemkin explained that Bill on video games did not contain a ban on the activities of game services.