The BlaShchensk city court reviewed the lawsuit against a woman who sold a fake certificate of Russian language, knowledge of Russian history and the foundation of the Russian Federation's law to foreigners.

In May 2024, Amurchanka sold the wrong certificate to Uzbekistan citizens. Foreigners have planned to get a work permit or patent. Fake documents have been submitted to the Visa, Registration and Migration Control Office for the Migration of the Russian Ministry of Home Affairs in the Amur area.
Police quickly found fake signs, an investigation began.
In the court, the woman pleaded guilty and repented. The court also takes into account the lack of criminal records, the presence of a child, the first crime.
Amurchanka was convicted, she was sentenced to 4 months of free limit. Now a woman is banned from traveling outside the city of BlaShchensk city and changes the residence or work without the consent of the control agency.
As the 2 × 2.Su gate was written earlier, a resident of the Skovorodinsky district became a defendant in the case of an fantasy statement of a foreigner. According to the Amur Prosecutor's Office, a 46 -year -old Urusha village in January 2025, registered a foreign citizen at the residence. At the same time, the man has no intention of living in the registered place.