Russian President Vladimir Putin received from the hands of the Governor of Irkutsk Igor Kobzev a letter from the veteran of the great patriotic war, invited this year to the victory parade. In his letter, the veteran emphasized that the victory will be in Russia.

I have responded to your orders, we meet the veterans.
When running through the content of the letter with the eyes, the Russian leader commented: “Veterans are different and cannot write.”
The victory will be behind us, Mr. Putin Putin read aloud.
The image is also attached to the envelope. Specifically, in one of the photos, a veteran, awarded the orders of the patriotic war, was taken at the Sovorov School with the young Suvorovites. Prohibiting Peppy, seemingly good, the president praised.
It seems great.
Putin asked the Governor to transfer the letter to the author of the letter.
I will definitely say.