The voice of the Russian studio shared the news of Russian voice acting of Wolfenstein: The New Order. When it pops out, localization is ready and is currently in a closed beta testing stage. Everyone can access it, but only after they support the project worth 500 rubles and provide checks.

If you don't want to pay, then you can always wait, because after all voice acting tests will become free.
At the same time, the voice of manyanics published a new excerpt with their work and proud of a small achievement:
We also want to mention that we have been able to correct the famous developers' errors, because in which, when choosing, the subtitles displayed only for foreign speeches in Russia's localization, all subtitles are still displayed. Now this function works as it has been formed, and when choosing it, subtitles will only be in German speech.
The exact release date of Russian voice acting Wolfenstein: The new order has not been published, but it is obviously not long to wait.