Earlier, Tatyana Brukhunova strongly criticized those who could not afford to buy a brand and wear fake clothes. Her words were caused by a series of critics on social networks. Not only ordinary citizens, but also the stars are angry. And the day before, Prokhor Chalapin intervened in the scandal, Write “Komsomolskaya Pravda.”

The singer in an interview with Irina Lillo said that Yevgeny Petrosyan's young wife had forgotten too quickly, because she herself a few years ago.
She spoke, good, not from a wonderful mind, no experience. You see, I want to tell this comedian's wife that there is a great phrase: “You have been out of the mud to get rich is eternal. “Well, because, you see, this is such a fool, Prokhor said.
Earlier, singer, Showman Prokhor ChalaPin admitted that he was afraid of becoming a beggar and thus trying to make money. He also noted that, like any celebrity, he was afraid of losing his reputation and income. According to Chaliapin, he was very worried that he could wake up one morning in poverty and not know who.