Lera Kudryavtseva TV host I complained In the Telegram channel encountered in Messenger with fraudsters from Ai-Sphere.

According to her, she decided to try to create a photo using Telegram's “photo building”. I paid for orders, issued a subscription and stopped using the service.
Kudryavtseva noted that in the future, BOT's authors introduced a monthly amount of money from the registered accounts of the registered person and did not send a notice of their decision.
Yes, I have time to sit in front of the picture and now deal with these scammers. You've ever bought a subscription for this terrible photo booth and the incentives are changing there, and now you have to write an application to cancel. Is it damn? ” – TV host asked a rhetorical question.
Her indignation is also caused by the fact that BOT not only wrote money but also did not work: When trying to download the image, he made an error and asked to contact with support.
Earlier, it was reported that the scammers on behalf of the Russian Defense Ministry of Defense attracted 1 million rubles from singer Natalia Moscina.
Recalling that representatives of the Central Bank, the General Prosecutor Office, FSB, the Ministry of Home Affairs and other departments have repeatedly warned: civil servants, financialists, security officials never call citizens, do not require providing codes, passwords, personal information and financial transactions.