Social network users believe that the girl of The Telegram Messenger Pavel Durova, 24 -year -old blogger Julia Vavilova may be pregnant. A video appears online in which streamer accidentally proves a round stomach.

On the studio at his channel, Vavilov could not send a gift to the Telegram and went to the next room to clarify, probably Durov, how to do it correctly. To do this, she stood up from the table, which is why her silhouette in some moments becomes clear.
At the same time, in October, when entrepreneurs were detained in Paris, Vavilov was reported, she lost the child: the fetal's heart stopped fighting at the 10th week. She admitted that it was difficult for them to accept this truth, at that time, the couple used to think about their children.
Durov himself also confirmed that Vavilova was pregnant, but everything ended in a tragedy. According to businessmen, since she was arrested, the girl was in a serious tension. He knew about her situation a few days after being detained, when his lover, observing the doctor's recommendations, did not appear with the police to interrogate.
Meanwhile, Irina Bulgar, who called himself the mother of the children of the founder of the Telegram Pavel Durov, congratulated him on his birthday abnormally. Blogger published a video with a French prison – a castle if located near Marseille, suggesting a detention incident.