Ivan Okhlobystin became a third grandfather.

The star of the movie “Trainees” shared with fans of joy, related to the addition of the family. As it turned out, his daughter Evdokia became a second mother. In addition, Ivan did not hide the child's gender. Okhlobystin said he had an unusual name.
I became a third grandfather. The boy is called the slave. 3725 gr. Thank God for everything! ” – He wrote on a personal blog.
Evdokia was known for her birthday on her birthday when she publicly reported her position.
After that, she published a personal photo shoot, where she could see a round stomach: The girl lying in the bathroom filled with blue water and white flowers. The star heir is made in 27 years. In addition, this second EVDokia became a mother, her first child was born for her in 2022.
Earlier we wrote that Rosa Syabitova explainWhy the bride of Okhlobystin's daughter escaped before the wedding.
It has also been reported, Blogger Dava opened On his birthday, he secretly married Marie Krymbreri.