In Steam, dozens of games launched daily, and almost unable to track all the releases to search for hidden diamonds. That is why the PC gamer portal Compilation An option of five standing games you may have missed.

Urban mythology dissolution center
The urban legendary dissolution center is a storytelling adventure, where players will become an employee of the center against city legends and clarify the series of mysterious issues. And for this, it is necessary to climb the internet, collect information about the phenomena that cannot be explained and interrogated. In fact, the game is an intuitive novel with light detective elements, but it is different from similar projects with visual style. The jagged pixel art perfectly transmits the disoriented and terrible qualities of the urban legends.

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Ep or
The last job of Mohammed Fahmi is an independent, most famous developer in a coffee conversation. A main character, a musician named Rama, must deal with the pain of the loss of the dead girl, because the tragedy threatens to break an important concert for his group. The game combines the elements of visual novels and rhythms: According to the plot, the frame will once again find the power to create music and learn to live without relatives.

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Terry's other games
The developer Indie Terry Cavana can be signed by fans of independent games in VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV and DICEY DEEGEONS, but in fact, he has spent most of his life. Other Terry games – a collection of such games; Both were not related and lost on old platforms. The collection consists of five quite large games of the Viking and many smaller projects.

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Angry gun
The Fury-A Li-and-Run gun of The Platformer in the spirit of the Slug and Metroid metal. The pixel art of the game is very similar to what SNK has done, but in this case, it is a compliment: Despite the visual style, but he is not on the shoulder for every developer. Fans of small games for Steam should pay attention.

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Panelka is a meditation game for ancient Soviet apartment decoration in the 1980-1990s. For nostalgic people on the carpet on walls, old kitchen, wallpaper and Lin floor. There is no limitation: You can arrange the interior items as you want to recreate your favorite home from childhood.

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