In Russia, they have supported the creation of a unique website to distribute video game content to BRICS countries to protect users from sabotage information in games. About this report Forbes is related to the document “computer games and metavselnaya” to develop the Internet (IRI).

During the study, issues related to game addiction have been identified. Iri experts believe that current rules to disseminate information on the Internet do not meet modern requirements and do not provide equal cooperation between countries. One of the feasible solutions for this problem may be the creation of a consolidated labeling system and rules to spread the content, including video games, the authors said in BRICS countries. Experts said it also needs to develop a common platform to distribute video game content and create a unique information space in the field of video games for BRICS countries, experts.
According to Deputy General Director of Ano Iri Boris Singine, previously created enrollment mechanisms in the market, certification process and various labeling systems, so it is prescribed by countries that are content consumers. However, at present, the situation is different: in BRICS countries, there is no unified standard that can affect products manufactured abroad.
Experts in the industry are interviewed by Forbes expressing doubts about creating a platform for distributing games. They believe that there is no example of successful competition with Steam and trying to fight it in the framework of the BRICS is not the most reasonable use of resources in the current situation. However, Astrum Entertainment believes that a unified system to mark and rules spread content in video games to BRICS countries can simplify the escape from Russian games into international markets. But even they believe that creating such a system may take many years.