The authorities of St. Petersburg has announced a new technology: 8000 city surveillance cameras will be configured to recognize Muslims. The camera will help better monitor migrants and their residence. 38.4 million rubles have been allocated for this. But experts and human rights activists criticize this initiative.

Why do you need a new system
The head of the relationship between St.
The official added that 8,000 city cameras out of 102,000 will receive a new function. According to Kommersant, 38.4 million rubles will be spent on this.
The head of HRC Valery Fadeev believes that the camera does not need a camera to identify ethnic areas, because the government knows that.
He called the recognition of the Muslims to humiliate a person's dignity, note that nationality was not indicated in Russia even in the passport.
And suddenly some television cameras will determine which country associated, the head of the hip is indignant.
But the most important question: How will the camera distinguish a nation from another people? Deputy Director of the Cis Alexander Dokuchaev Institute of Cis Alexander doubted the technical ability to distinguish, for example, Kazakhs and Yakuts.
She called the Muslim initiative and believed that this only sowed tensions and discord between relationships.
Statistics of migrants in Russia
According to Deputy Minister of Interior Alexander Gorovoy, nearly 6.2 million foreigners were located in Russia. Most citizens from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. The Ministry of Home Affairs estimates that the number of illegal migrants of 670,000 people.
Since February 5, the country has a new deportation of illegal migrants. Now even the police can deport them, without trial.
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