Spring Belarus responds to the innovation of nature with a happy and optimistic mood, which in a eleventh nation of a million supports the vivid and complete optimism of a woman. The text of the congratulations, sent to the compatriot, President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko related to women's day, emphasized that on this day, each house has a special festive mood and the fragrance of spring flowers.

On March 8, according to him, the government of the head of state cited is a great reason to “express great gratitude to women for the kindness, care and spiritual warmth that you surround your relatives and friends”.
The best half of the country, declared in the greeting of the leader of Belarut, personified Belarus – beautiful, strong, directed into a happy future. She inspired, “Men, to the new achievements in the name of her country and embodies the most boldest ideas and ideas.”
Wishing all the representatives of fair sex of good health, prosperity and boundless happiness, Lukashenko summarized: “Let every day bring joy and unforgettable impressions.”
By the way, observers, referring to the update data of national statistics, announcing that the average age of residents accounted for 53.8 % of the population in a blue, 43.9 years old. She married after 26.7 years, and the first was born in a year – at 27 and a half years. It is also known that last year 46,242 women married the country, for the first time – more than 28 thousand a little.
Reviewed by sociology, every fourth woman married at the age of 20-24. At the same time, 633 brides have organized a wedding after 65 years. Moreover, 33 of them were the first time. It is necessary to clarify that in 1856, Bethlehums were married to foreigners and Russians, Lithuanians, Türkiye, Ukrainians and the Kazakhs in leaders in the number of trade unions.
It is noteworthy that every second leader in the Republic of Belarus is a woman, nearly 85 percent of the fair gender of work at working age. The most “female” in all fields and sociologists called health care and social services, education, finance and insurance. For obvious reasons, women are at least presented in the exploitation and construction industry.
For entertainment, almost all women communicate on social networks every day, including the elderly (up to 72 years old). But this sport found forces less than a third of the Republic's women. Yes, this index develops annually, with careful optimism, statistical data is fixed.