In the territory of Primorsky, the migrants were evaluated, who defeated their compatriots in the airport parking lot, and then brought them into the trunk of the car. It was reported by the Telegram channel “News about Primorye and Vladivostok”. “The Primorsky Transport Prosecutor's Office approved the indictment for two citizens of Uzbekistan born in 1994 and 1995 according to the investigators, on February 15 of the current year, the defendant, while at the parking lot of VLAVOSKEY international airport is named after the vk according to the source, the man began the conflict that is expected by the rule of the car. He then migrants put the victim in his trunk, from the man out. Previously, there was a report that in the territory of Primorsky, a man defeated the driver with a fire extinguisher in a road conflict that happened in front of children.