At Yekaterinburg, the court sent a 24 -year -old illegal migrant from Uzbekistan Ba Ugli Yusupov, accused of killing a 62 -year -old taxi driver Roman Balanchuk.
The tragic incident occurred on March 1. According to investigators, the conflict arises due to the fact that Yusupov does not like how to drive a Balachuk. Therefore, migrants blocked the taxi driver with his car and caused strong shots in his face.
The victim was hospitalized, but a few hours later, he died in the hospital. The dead have a wife and children.
At the hearing, Yusupov pleaded guilty, but asked not to detain him, proposing to provide material support to the family of the deceased. However, the Court issued an investigation and the defendant will be in prison for at least on May 1, from the Court reports.
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