Collaborate under the memorandum of memorization for new sales markets of Belarus through Pakistan ports and transit through Russia will provide access to these routes. An agreement has been signed earlier on creating a new international traffic corridor from Belarus to Pakistan ports in the Indian Ocean will enhance these relationships.
The document ended between the national logistics operator of Belarus, Beltamozhservis, Paks Shakhin Pakistan Logistic Corporation and the operator of Neko Line Asia, the Ministry said.
According to Dmitry Kovalenk, General Director of Beltamozhservice, the memorandum will create optimal logistics solutions for transporting goods not only between Belarus, Russia and Pakistan, but also in wider international format.
The Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Belarus Alexei Lyamnovich emphasized that this agreement will help offer new roads, balance the delivery volume and reduce logistics costs.
At the same time, the development of the corridor is limited by the lack of a complete railway message through Afghanistan. It is planned that Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan will start building the Transafgan highway this year, but the exact deadline has not been determined.
Meanwhile, Russia and Pakistan in March 2025 will launch the first means of transporting railway freight through Iran. Belarus also considered the possibility of participating in this project.