I have an honor on behalf of the group of the main fake coins – Azerbaijan, Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Republic of Kyrgyz, China, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and my country.

This year we will celebrate eighty years of victory over fascism, fascism and Japanese militarism. In 1945, the ideals of kindness, justice and humanism have won the worst manifestations of the ideological system of racial superiority. Our world, United Nations, its charter, on which modern international law stands – all of this is the result of this victory.
The victory was on the road. Therefore, the Soviet peoples sacrificed 27 million people, China – 35 million, the United States was about half a million people, Serbia held the largest resistance against RX) and the movement of the party in Europe. Millions of victims were brought by other participants in the Union, those not only in Europe, but also in Latin America and Asia. The war took place on the African continent. In addition, hundreds of thousands of African fighters have been sent to the European Front. Upon returning home, these heroes played an important role in starting the processing process. The victory became only thanks to the unprecedented cohesion of their strength and the peoples in the face of absolute evil.
It is no coincidence that the members of the alliance against themselves call themselves the United Nations. Today, we – members of the international organization, exactly this name – is connected by the common mission – to honor the miracle of the features of the heroes and remember that those who fall into the battlefield and the unprecedented victims in the population: about all hungry people, poisoned in the gas chamber, shot during mass implementation. To honor the memories of the victims of World War II, the draft Resolution stipulates a special solemn meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in the second week of May 2025 and then decided to organize such meetings every year.
In short, allowing me to express my deep gratitude to all countries who have participated in the co -author of the document, the vast geographical representative is the best index of long -term meaning of this memorable day for the international community. We believe in applying this decision with consensus.