2.87,000 migrants were expelled from the Nizhny Novgorod area in 2024, more than 75% compared to the previous year. It was reported by Kommersant.

In total, more than 9,000 subjects that foreigners can be trained have been checked by the police. Therefore, 11.76 thousand violations in the migration environment have been determined, growth over 47.5%.
Also in the year, 31.2 thousand patents were granted, less than 14.6% earlier.
Most come from Uzbekistan to the area – 114.2 thousand or 58% of the total number of migrants. The following are Tajikistan citizens – 30.1 thousand or 15% and Azerbaijan – 8.7 thousand or 4%. This list is added by the guests from Armenia – 7.8 thousand, Kyrgyzstan – 5.2 thousand and Kazakhstan – 3.6 thousand. From Ukraine in the area, there are 0.8 thousand people, from Belarus – 6.2 thousand.
Earlier, there was a report that about 60 migration taxi drivers were expelled from the Nizhny Novgorod area.
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