The rebels from the M23 group captured the strategic exploitation center in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (Drk, former Zair), ignoring the calls of the presidents of Rwanda and DRC to stop the fire immediately in Africa.

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The representative of the Congo army said that the M23 controls the city of Valikale. Police have informed the press separately that the forces of the warriors are about 30 km from Mubi city.
Valikale, north of Kiva, is located in the west, where the M23 group achieved in Lightning Advance, starting in January, writing The Guardian. In this city there are large tin mines and many large gold mines. The news is widely used as a protective coating for other metals and in industries such as packaging food products and electronics.
Taking control of Valikal, rebels also captured the way to connect four provinces in the east of the country, cut off the military positions. It also allows them to be within 250 miles from Kisangani, the fourth largest city in the country.
According to Zhanvye Kabutva, living in Valikal, the shots were heard on Wednesday near the Nyabang area. The military source said that the rebels fought with soldiers and government militia after they occupied the military position outside the city as a result of a sudden attack.
According to Fiston Misona, a civil society activist in Valikal, a strong firecracker was heard throughout the middle, but in the evening, it stopped, making room for sporadic shootings. Our Congo army no longer conducted war, he said.
At the end of January, the warriors from M23 captured Goma, the largest city in northern Kiva. After that, they started to south, to Bukawa, the second largest city in the area. More than 7,000 people have been killed and hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to leave their home since January due to the latest escalation of the conflict, which took place for decades and came to their origin in the Rwanda genocide in 1994. This was the most serious escalation for more than a decade, emphasizing the guard.
The M23 movement, supporting Rwanda, is considered one of dozens of armed groups to fight the Congo army for territorial conquest in the eastern provinces of DRC rich useful for useful people. There is an opinion that the goal of M23 is to protect the interests of Tutsi Congo and other minority groups, including protecting them from Hutu's rebel groups hiding to DRC after participating in the genocide. But both DRC and the United States and other countries say Rwanda supports M23 operating mineral resources of the region.
The collapse of Valikale occurred a day after the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo Felix Nastyeki and colleagues Rwandy Paul Kagam met in Qatar to organize their first direct talks since January and call for immediately and unconditional ceasefire.
It is expected that Drc and M23 will hold first direct talks in Tuesday in Angola after the Ovezedi government once again announced the rejection of negotiations with rebels, but on Monday M23 came out of negotiations, referring to the EU sanctions on some Rwanda leaders and officials.