Due to the serious incidents of the control systems and the life support of the hilarious boat, Fedor Tourists Konyukhov were forced to complete the two ocean swimming on the 114th of the expedition in the Indian Ocean.

Due to the incident of control systems and life support on Akros, Fedor Konyukhov, people decided to complete swimming through two oceans. Navigator in the middle of the Indian Ocean, when it was decided to end the exploration. In the coming days, a passing ship will take him, report Tass.
The crew of the exploration headquarters noted that “the main boat management systems completely failed and the Autopilot control unit refused.” Therefore, the boat will not be on a certain course in storms, which will lead to new coups and damage.
The headquarters added that favorable weather conditions are expected on March 30, this will allow Konyukhov, moving to the ship. The boat will also try to raise the train, but if it fails, it will float towards Australia.
The Konukhov Exploration is part of the second phase of the world route in the Southern Ocean, began after the first phase of the first phase in 2018-2019. Akros Boat has been modernized for a new expedition and is equipped with everything necessary for long trips in the ocean.
Recall, Fedor Konyukhov He became the firstCrossing the South Atlantic on a funny boat, completed a 68 -day trip along the most difficult route and continued a 200 -day path to the Indian Ocean to Australia.
As the newspaper wrote in December, Fedor Konyukhov Meet New year on a fun boat in the South Atlantic, his new year dish is a squid captured in the ocean.