The head of the spiritual part of the Muslims Bashkortan Ainur Birgalin talked about predictions in Simpsons. About this report “”

According to him, with the help of an animated series, “the conductor in the backstage” does not predict the future, but prepares humanity for the pandemic and other disasters. This is not a prediction, but the purpose of a certain force, through the mass culture that sets certain meanings, checks social reactions and prepares people for one or another event, he said.
Mufti Bashkiri believes that many important events take place in the world, for the first time running up on films, series and cartoons. According to him, in this way, people “prepare and program their awareness.”
In October, Muftiyat president of Dagestan Abdullah Salimov said that parents need to pay more attention to their children so that they are not affected by the forces destroying on the Internet, similar to Quadroginga.