The Russian Geography Association (RGO) has opened up the acceptance of applications to the applicant to present the organization's special awards. According to RGO, this time new nominations will appear in the competition and the winners will receive a reward of 1 million rubles. Summary of the award is planned for autumn.

The fifth ceremony of awarding a prestigious award will take place in the 180th anniversary of society with its help in RGO, the most important achievements in the field of national geography, ecology, conservation and dissemination of Russian natural and historical and cultural heritage. According to the Chairman of the Russian State Health sector, Russian President Vladimir Putin, “The special value of the RGO prize is that it allows us to pay attention to the merit of those with unkind labor, but have a greater national significance, which is a different needs of the life of the Russian society.”
Behind each project, behind each explorer and history presented at the RGO award, there are people who are developed, purposeful, who strive for new knowledge. They promote science, open new pages of history, research, research, retain our. It is from such usefulness, at the request of the country and the people of the initiatives that the State of the developing state, he added Sergei Shoigu, Chairman of the Russian Geography Association.
In total, more than 2,000 projects have been inspected for the entire existence of the competition, of which more than 30 projects are recognized as worthy of the prize. In addition, the RGO award also pays attention to the personal contributions of the people who study the nature and cultural wealth of Russia, are participating in tourism development and environmental conservation. For example, in 2021, among the winners were the authors of Atlas of the Caves of Russia, the creator of the project to create half of the water population of the Przhevalsky horse, the NERCA documentary film. Red Fish, as well as the initiative to revive the wooden temples of the North.
In 2025, the RGO prize will include nominations. Among the old people, the reward will return to scientific, historical, cultural, educational, environmental and tourist projects. However, new nominations will appear-Best documentary film of the best movie. In addition, there will be separate prizes for the best children's projects and the best foreign projects on Russia. Because the awards in these nominations are certificates to participate in the RGO round.
Traditionally, citizens or organizations from anywhere in the world can participate in the competition. The main condition is that the job is declared should be devoted to Russia.
Participants will be accepted until May 14, on the RGO website.