German orthodox billionaire Sterligov reacts rude to questions about why his farm products are so expensive. Why did sterligov want the Russians to die, abandon his family, how much his cheese, how a businessman lived?

What does sterligov say about the price for his product
Russia's official billionaire Sterligov in an interview with Blogger Amiran Sardarov said that customers should not worry about the price of products from their farms.
Everyone came and asked: Why are you so expensive, Herman? I said: What makes the difference? This is the difference that it makes you whether I am expensive or not, the cost of one thousand rubles or two thousand rubles?
Entrepreneur also added that he sets high prices not for all types of customers. He only has such a price for atheists, declaring sterligov.
In November 2024, Sterligov in his Telegram channel gave the price at the “Sloboda” farm: A loaf of 1 kg-4500 rubles, butter oil, 8000 milk, 1 liter milk, a bottle of alcoholic wine 750 ML – 78 thousand rubles, cheese – from 12 thousand to 80 thousand rubles. Give kg.
People, if you don't have money for natural products – don't swear and don't be sad, I don't have that money. But we, farmers, with food, Mr. Sterligov proudly declared.
Farmers-Syrovar Oleg Sirota told that Sterligov could sell his cheese at such a price, because he had his own rich buyer.
Hermann Lvovich is forbidden to be sold and sold. This is a fairly successful project. This is an interesting specific bread, quite expensive, finding its buyer. I think that if the cheese sells 120 thousand rubles, someone will buy it. Questions about the values, consumer qualities, Lvovich of Germany raised in this cheese, Mr. Orphan said.
Earlier, in an interview with Sardarov, the mainstream billionaire explained more publicly from the high cost of his cheese: According to him, he can set any price, because simply no. Similar products on the market.
The more (conducting cheese in the stores) is a deception. This is all chemistry. There are people who make natural cheese, there are many of them, everywhere. But no one makes the cheese naturally stable. To do this, there is a tunnel. The tunnel should have a certain temperature, with a certain moisture. Five years should be carried (with cheese), it must be overturned, wipe, salt, wash, etc., and do all this in the darkness of the ground. (No one has such a cheese). Not for 120 thousand, nor 240, nor for 50, simply no choice, Mr. Sterligov explained.
Why Sterligov wishes Russians “die”
In the same interview and at any opportunity, Sterligov urged all Russians to move to the countryside and independently provide himself with natural food. Those who do not want to leave the village and plan to live in cities, he wishes to die, because they still could not find food without chemistry.
Who wants to live in the city and eat chemistry – good, let. Why provide it something? Let him eat chemistry, let him have cancer, diabetes, let him die, orthodox billionaire declared.
Why Sterligov abandoned his family
At the end of April 2024, Sterligov announced that he was divorced with the reckless wife of Muslims, as well as the announcement of the inheritance of his daughter and two sons.
My former lover was a flood and a religion. My daughter Pelagia is a confusing and heterosexual. My son Arseny is a peasant and monopoly son, deprived of the right to inherit. My son Panteleimon is a fox son and a monk, deprived of the right to inherit, Sterligov said in his telegram channel.
He called Sergius and Micah sons the true orthodox Christians and retained their inheritance.
In return, the wife of businessman Alena Sterligova said she was still married to a businessman, but the family happened on a religious basis.
We were married and married. You can request our documents in the registration office. German Lvovich has long been soaked in this religion. We used to support him, then we realized that this was not so, returning to the temple – Pelageya, Arseny, Panteleimon and I. Therefore, he has a reaction to the point that we are The monks. Therefore, we simply pray for each other, and people think someone is confused. Herman is an attractive person, as usual, grief from her mind, she said.
Herman sterligov lives like now
In February 2025, Sterligov indignantly said that he stopped ordering natural products from “Sloboda”. This happened after the entrepreneur decided to close the stores in Moscow and for the same amount of money to deliver Muslim foods to customers at home.
“Where are you? Why don't you order delivery? For two weeks, stores were closed and orders created 15% of our regular customers from the force. What are you eating there?! Have you changed natural food from farmers with some farmer nutrients? Or what? Are you in trouble? Reply. You are your loved one. We know you with the name. Are we really mistaken for you and are you like others? ” – The billionaire was lamented.