The International Astronomical Union has recognized the opening of 128 more satellites rotating in the orbit around Saturn. Therefore, the total moon of this planet reached 274.

How report SCI News, new Saturn's satellites in large numbers were discovered by an international research team led by Dr. Edward Eston from the Henorical and Astronomical Astronomical Institute of the Sinchia Academy.
To search for satellites, the team used Canadian-French Gawaiian telescope. The repetitive observations of Saturn's sky were conducted in the period from 2019 to 2021. The study has taken many stages. Therefore, at the first stage, scientists discovered 62 unknown satellites before and a large number of other objects, which could not be determined at that time.
In the following years, the research team focused on the potential moon, so it was possible to identify other 128 satellites, the existence was officially confirmed.
According to Edward Eston, all 128 new subjects are identified as the moon, which is so uneven, meaning that the objects are attracted to their orbit and are arrested by Saturn even in the early stages of the evolution of the solar system.
The dimensions of these lunas have a diameter of a few kilometers, according to him, the research company, Dr. Brett Gladman, a professor of the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of British Colombia. Comet “.