The residents of Wrangel village under the discovery were confused by the shortage of experts in a local children's clinic, the report of Ia

According to the parents of patients of the No. 1 clinic on the street. Babkina, 3 years old, even a pediatrician, is not only a shortage specialist. Parents are asked to take children to a clinic on Leningradskaya Street in Nakhodka – this is more than 30 km away from Wrangel. In the absence of personal transportation, it is necessary to go to the clinic with a taxi – this is about a thousand rubles.
In the comments on the Telegram channel about such optimization of Wrangel Clinic, locals said that some experts have to go to Vladivostok. In particular, there is a lack of a child's urinary doctor, an endoscopic doctor for FGD. Some experts (Ent, the Children's Eye, Gynecologist) have to go to the South-Morskaya village and the patient not only from Wrangel, but also from the local people. Accordingly, the load for doctors in the discovery and in South-Morsky is developing, coming to them at the front desk is becoming more and more difficult, which forces patients to use private medicine services.
Wrangel residents and the entire Nakhodkinsky city are interested in the Ministry of Health of Primorsky, whether such a shortage of personnel will be solved in somehow. .
Previously, there was a report that the working conditions of young experts in the field of medicine were the first vice president of the Oleg Smolin Science and Education Committee of Duma He called it Therefore, it is not so attractive to new doctors who are familiar with breaking contracts with businesses provided for training conditions that are targeted, paid for fines and work in private clinics. The collection of candidates for the 2024/2025 school year turned out to be a failure. More than one -third of the candidates in the target quota are lacking in health majors.